Formel formel q capabilityq capabilityq capability processprocessess aaaaudituditudit appendix to formel q capability the formel q capability contains agreed contract requirements for the companies of the volkswagen group to assure the quality of processes and also components of the procurement and supply chain. Wspolpraca w lancuchu dostaw vw wymagania iatf 16949. Neue ausgabe formel q fahigkeit version 8 ausabe 2015. It is binding for the suppliers of production materials for all the brands of the group as well as for the associated companies worldwide. Informace o kurzu formel q formel q konkret, formel q capability. The agreements contained are to guarantee component and process quality. Subsuppliers use comparable systems analogous to formel qkonkret etc.
The volkswagen group essentials are a promise to our customers, shareholders, business partners and ourselves. The brochure formel q capability is a supplement to formel q konkret with process descriptions for the assessment of the quality capability of suppliers to volkswagen. The audi ag quality manual supplements the quality requirements laid down in the vw groups formula q document series. Merkmale kann nur in abstimmung mit euwe q planung eingeschrankt werden. Quality capability suppliers assessment guidelines self audit potential analysis process audit, product audit. Rothenpieler vorstand konzernbeschaffung leiter konzernqualitatssicherung volkswagen ag volkswagen ag seite 3 formel q formel q konkret. Nove v pozadavcich formel, specificke pozadavky znacek qlah. Comprendre en detail les exigences du groupe vw formel qconcrete, formel qcapability, formel qqpn integral, formalisees dans les documents formel q, et savoir les mettre en.
Provadeni samoauditu dle pozadavku formel q tp consulting. Formel q formel q konkret, formel q capability, formel q new. Rothenpieler vorstand konzernbeschaffung leiter konzernqualitatssicherung volkswagen ag volkswagen ag seite 3 formel q formel qkonkret. Lessons learned formel qcapability quality capability suppliers assessment. Formel q konkret ramowa umowa jakosciowa wydanie 5 zdolnosc jakosciowa dostawcy formel q capability wydanie 8 audit procesu dodatkowe wymagania do auditu procesu.
Formel q konkret contains contractually agreed requirements of volkswagen group companies to ensure the quality of parts and processes in the procurement and supply chain. Specyficzne wymagania klientow csr formel qkonkret tqmsoft. Pdf documents must not be protected with the digital rights management. Nimonikapp centralizes legislation, updates you in plain language and offers the best audit and verification tools on the web and ipad and iphone. Actual information about the requirement of field rejects for the brand volkswagen pkw formel q konkret formel q capability software formel q new parts integral. Formel qkonkret vom september 1998 formel qfahigkeit vom april 2000. Formel formel q capabilityq capabilityq capability.
Vwag considers the special approval a responsibility of the supplier. Defines a code of practice for the management of product audit programmes. Jak spelnic i interpretowac specyficzne wymagania klienta z grupy vw wg. Kurz formel q je zamereny na povinnosti dodavatelskeho retezce pro vw koncern k zajisteni plneni pozadavku vyjadrene v propracovanych pozadavcich na kvalitativni zpusobilost a smernicich hodnoceni s nazvem formel q konkret, formel q zpusobilost a formel q nove dily integral vcetne vztahu ke smernicim vda. Na kurz formel q formel q konkret, formel q capability, formel q new parts integral navazuje kurz vw b2b portal business to business, ktery je zamereny na ecommerce platformu, ktera je povinna pro komunikaci mezi dodavateli a spolecnostmi koncernu volkswagen. Com provides the latest information about formel q manual pdf you can easily find all news regarding the formel q manual pdf, just by clicking this post. Quality management agreement between the companies of the volkswagen group and its suppliers formula q concrete contains the specifications of the companies of the volkswagen group as agreed in the contract that serve to guarantee the quality of parts and processes in the procurement and supply chain. It is binding for our suppliers of production materials for all the brands of the group as well as for the associated companies worldwide. Volkswagen ag version 5 c april 2015 5 quality management agreements for purchased parts. Upon request the results for the dtld self audit are to be accessible to the customer. Kurz formel q je zamereny na povinnosti dodavatelskeho retezce pro vw koncern k zajisteni plneni pozadavku. Zapraszamy do zapoznania sie ze szkoleniem formel q specyficzne wymagania dla dostawcow grupy volkswagen. Global supplier manual appendix p volkswagen group.
Formel q specyficzne wymagania vw dla dostawcow program szkolenia informacje dla klienta ramowa umowa jakosciowa elementy oceny dostawcow ele jakosci dot. Read more about formel q manual pdf here on our website. Increased customer expectations, safety requirements, statutory requirements as well as the increased use of electronic components and software lead to more complex products some customers mandate the use of vda 6. Auflage vom april 2015 hat sich mal wieder verscharft, z. Functionality, the details of production at their location and proper use in the vehicles of. Componentspecific requirements are laid down in the. Omowienie specyficznego wymagania klienta, jakim jest formel q oparty na normach vda oraz zestawienie tych wymagan ze standardem iso ts 16949. Zaprezentowanie narzedzi i metod potrzebnych w realizacji wymagan zapisanych w tym dokumencie. Quality management agreement between the companies of the volkswagen group and its suppliers 2 version 1 february 1993 version 2, revised edition february 1994 version 3, revised edition september 1998 version 4, revised edition september 2008 version 5, revised edition april 2015 only the german version of formel qkonkret is legally binding. They describe what the group stands for in all brands, companies and. Formel q specyficzne wymagania dla dostawcow grupy. Formel q konkret supply chain quality management scribd. According to formel q konkret the supplier is responsible to inform.
Vda formel q quality management quality management system. Sekwencja zadan realizowana wg metodologii vda2 przypisanie wymagan formel q konkret v. Volkswagen formel q capability supplier quality capability 2015. Zentrale mws industrieholding gmbh oberer stadtplatz 5a 6330 kufstein osterreich. Quality management agreement between the companies of the. The audi ag quality manual details the general requirements for suppliers of purchased parts laid down by the quality assurance department of audi ag. Formula q concrete contains the specifications of the companies of the volkswagen group as agreed in the contract that serve to guarantee the quality of parts and processes in the procurement and supply chain. Quality management agreements purchased parts the present brochure describes this module primary agreement as part of the contract assessment system and supporting processes philosophy formel qkonkret formel q new parts maturation grade suppliers. Customer specific requirements of the volkswagen group in addition to the. Omowienie sposobu realizacji audytow procesu i produktu oraz rewizji technicznej wedlug wymagan opisanych w wytycznych formel qkonkret. Specyficzne wymagania klientow csr formel qkonkret. Cilem seminare je seznamit ucastniky s pozadavky fq nove vydani 2015. It refers to volkswagen s global formula for quality. The brochure formel qcapability is a supplement to formel q konkret with process descriptions for the assessment of the quality capability of suppliers of volkswagen.
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